The sun lounge was a good place for Bertram and Brandi to relax.

There was a TV in the sun lounge, but as I have explained before, Bertram prefers to read or play games and other more intellectual pursuits when he is relaxing. Sometimes Bertram has been thinking so hard that he has a quick nap, and sometimes he appears to be napping when he is really thinking. People often make the mistake of thinking he is zonked when he is not.

Even in late September the lounge was not cold, except in the early morning as it faced east. You can see a radiator in the background so Bertram thinks it would be warm even later in the year.
The view from the sun lounge of the smaller garden which contained a barbecue (the accessories for which were in the games room) and the table and shares which you can see in the picture,
Just to the left of the picture were some blue hydrangeas that would have looked splendid earlier, but were just passed their best.